Posted: April 18, 2012
IIS WarmUp Part II
I explained in my earlier post the importance of “warming up” your sites in IIS, especially using the latest .Net frameworks.
Here is a major update to the code posted in that post.
This one will allow you to “warm up” every site in IIS on your server. All you have to do is set the version of IIS to 7 or 6 depending on your install, and then run the program. You could also set the allApplications flag to false and put in the selected sites to “warm up”. Please understand, because of the access needed to warm up all of your sites, this program needs to run under an Administrator account. (it accesses IIS’s metabase files)
So, without too much blab, and without any further ado… here’s the code.
<Settings> <Config> <!-- Set your IIS version, and whether or no you want to "warm up" all sites --> <IIS version="7" allApplications="True"> <!-- This is a list of sites to warm up, only comes into play if you have the allApplications flag set to false --> <Site url="http://www.o7thwebdesign.com" page="/" /> <Site url="http://www.facchinifacchinipa.com" page="/" /> <Site url="http://skor.in" page="/" /> <Site url="http://o7t.in" page="/" /> </IIS> </Config> </Settings>
Public Class AuditManager 'The type of audit to write out Public Enum AuditType Exception General End Enum 'Write the audit to the log file Public Shared Sub Write(ByVal _Type As AuditType?, ByVal _Description As String, Optional ByVal _Location As String = Nothing, Optional ByVal _Except As Exception = Nothing) Dim _Stack As System.Diagnostics.StackTrace If _Except IsNot Nothing Then _Stack = New System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(_Except, True) Else _Stack = Nothing End If Using _F As New IO.StreamWriter(Common.GetPath() & FormatDateTime(Date.Now, DateFormat.ShortDate).Replace("/", String.Empty) & ".LOG", True) Dim tmpString As New Text.StringBuilder tmpString.Append("-------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append("WHEN:" & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append(Date.Now & vbCrLf) If _Type.HasValue Then tmpString.Append("-------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append("TYPE:" & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append([Enum].GetName(GetType(AuditType), _Type) & vbCrLf) End If If _Location IsNot Nothing Then tmpString.Append("-------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append("LOCATION:" & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append(_Location & vbCrLf) End If tmpString.Append("-------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf) If _Stack IsNot Nothing Then tmpString.Append("STACKTRACE:" & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append(_Stack.ToString() & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append("-------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append("STACK FRAMES:" & vbCrLf) For Each frame In _Stack.GetFrames() tmpString.Append(" - FILE:" & frame.GetFileName() & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append(" - METHOD:" & frame.GetMethod().Name & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append(" - LINE:" & frame.GetFileLineNumber() & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append(" - COLUMN:" & frame.GetFileColumnNumber() & vbCrLf) Next End If If _Except IsNot Nothing Then tmpString.Append("-------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append("SOURCE:" & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append(_Except.Source & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append("-------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append("MESSAGE:" & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append(_Except.Message & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append("-------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append("DATA:" & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append(_Except.Data.ToString() & vbCrLf) End If tmpString.Append("-------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append("NOTES:" & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append(_Description & vbCrLf) tmpString.Append("-------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf) _F.Write(tmpString.ToString()) _F.Close() End Using End Sub End Class
Public Class Common 'The applications path Public Shared Function GetPath() As String Return System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory() End Function 'Check to see if a value is Null, if so, set it to equal a default value Public Shared Function IsNull(Of T)(ByVal Value As T, ByVal _Default As T) As T If Not (IsDBNull(Value)) OrElse Value IsNot Nothing OrElse Not (Value.ToString.Length > 0) Then Return DirectCast(Value, T) Else Return DirectCast(_Default, T) End If End Function End Class
Imports System.Runtime.Caching ''' <summary> ''' Our Provider ''' </summary> ''' <remarks></remarks> Public Interface ICacheProvider Function GetItem(Of T)(ByVal key As String) As T Sub SetItem(ByVal data As Object, ByVal key As String) Sub Remove(ByVal key As String) Sub Clear() End Interface ''' <summary> ''' Our Custom Caching Object ''' </summary> ''' <remarks></remarks> Public Class CustomCache Implements ICacheProvider ''' <summary> ''' The Cache Object ''' </summary> ''' <value></value> ''' <returns></returns> ''' <remarks></remarks> Private ReadOnly Property Cache() As ObjectCache Get Return MemoryCache.Default End Get End Property ''' <summary> ''' Set the cache Item ''' </summary> ''' <param name="key"></param> ''' <param name="data"></param> ''' <remarks></remarks> Public Sub SetCacheItem(ByVal data As Object, ByVal key As String) Implements ICacheProvider.SetItem Dim policy As New CacheItemPolicy() policy.AbsoluteExpiration = DateTime.Now.AddHours(24) Cache.Add(New CacheItem(key, data), policy) End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Get the Cache Item ''' </summary> ''' <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> ''' <param name="key"></param> ''' <returns></returns> ''' <remarks></remarks> Public Function GetCacheItem(Of T)(ByVal key As String) As T Implements ICacheProvider.GetItem Return DirectCast(Cache(key), T) End Function ''' <summary> ''' Remove the Item from Cache ''' </summary> ''' <param name="key"></param> ''' <remarks></remarks> Public Sub RemoveItem(ByVal key As String) Implements ICacheProvider.Remove Cache.Remove(key) End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Remove All items from Cache ''' </summary> ''' <remarks></remarks> Public Sub ClearCache() Implements ICacheProvider.Clear For Each item In Cache Cache.Remove(item.Key) Next End Sub End Class
Public Class Settings Private Shared Cache As New CustomCache 'Grab our settings file Private Shared ReadOnly Property SettingDoc As XDocument Get Dim _C As XDocument = Cache.GetCacheItem(Of XDocument)("Settings") If _C IsNot Nothing Then Return _C Else Return XDocument.Load(Common.GetPath() & "Settings.xml") End If End Get End Property 'Get and set all our settings Public Shared Function GetSettings() As List(Of Typing.Settings.Settings) Dim _Qry As New List(Of Typing.Settings.Settings) _Qry = (From n In SettingDoc...<IIS>.AsParallel() Select New Typing.Settings.Settings() With { .IisVersion = Common.IsNull(Of Integer)(n.@version, 0), .PrimeAll = Common.IsNull(Of Boolean)(n.@allApplications, True), .Sites = Common.IsNull(Of List(Of Typing.Settings.Sites))((From s In n.<Site>.AsParallel() Select New Typing.Settings.Sites() With { .Url = s.@url, .Page = s.@page }).ToList(), Nothing) }).ToList() If _Qry IsNot Nothing Then Return _Qry Else Return Nothing End If _Qry.Clear() End Function End Class
'Strongly Type all our values Public Class Typing Partial Public Class Settings Partial Public Class Settings Public Property IisVersion As Integer Public Property PrimeAll As Boolean Public Property Sites As List(Of Sites) End Class Partial Public Class Sites Public Property Url As String Public Property Page As String End Class End Class Partial Public Class MetaBase Public Property Protocol As String Public Property Binding As String End Class End Class
Imports System.Threading.Tasks Imports System.Security.Principal Module WarmUpService 'Check and make sure we have Admin Privelages Private ReadOnly Property HasAdminPrivelages() Get Dim _Id = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() Dim _Prin = New WindowsPrincipal(_Id) Return _Prin.IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator) End Get End Property 'Fire It Up! Public Sub Main() If HasAdminPrivelages() Then AuditManager.Write(AuditManager.AuditType.General, "Fireing Up...") DoTheWarmUp() AuditManager.Write(AuditManager.AuditType.General, "All Set...") Else MsgBox("You need to be an administrator in order to run this.") End If End Sub Private Sub DoTheWarmUp() Try Dim _Set As List(Of Typing.Settings.Settings) = Settings.GetSettings() If _Set IsNot Nothing Then If _Set(0).PrimeAll Then Select Case _Set(0).IisVersion Case 6 ' IIS 6 Dim _PT As New Iis6Primer() _PT.PrimeThem() Case 7 ' IIS 7 & IIS 7.5 Dim _PT As New Iis7Primer() _PT.PrimeThem() Case Else AuditManager.Write(AuditManager.AuditType.Exception, "There was an issue! Unsupported IIS version.", "DoTheWarmUp") End Select Else Dim _Sites As List(Of Typing.Settings.Sites) = _Set.Item(0).Sites If _Sites IsNot Nothing Then Parallel.ForEach(_Sites, Sub(Item) Primer.GrabEm(Item.Url & Item.Page) End Sub) _Sites.Clear() End If _Set.Clear() End If Else AuditManager.Write(AuditManager.AuditType.Exception, "There was an issue! There are no settings.", "DoTheWarmUp") End If Catch ex As Exception AuditManager.Write(AuditManager.AuditType.Exception, "There was an issue!", "DoTheWarmUp", ex) End Try End Sub End Module
Imports System.Net Imports System.Reflection Public Class Primer Public Shared Sub GrabEm(ByVal _SitePath As String) Try SetAllowUnsafeHeaderParsing20() Using _WC As New WebClient() _WC.Headers.Add("user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13") _WC.DownloadData(_SitePath) End Using AuditManager.Write(AuditManager.AuditType.General, "Site: " & _SitePath & " Is Now Primed!") Catch ex As Exception AuditManager.Write(AuditManager.AuditType.Exception, "Issue with the site: " & _SitePath & ".", "GrabEm", ex) End Try End Sub Private Shared Sub SetAllowUnsafeHeaderParsing20() Dim a As New System.Net.Configuration.SettingsSection Dim aNetAssembly As System.Reflection.Assembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(a.GetType) Dim aSettingsType As Type = aNetAssembly.GetType("System.Net.Configuration.SettingsSectionInternal") Dim args As Object() = Nothing Dim anInstance As Object = aSettingsType.InvokeMember("Section", BindingFlags.Static Or BindingFlags.GetProperty Or BindingFlags.NonPublic, Nothing, Nothing, args) Dim aUseUnsafeHeaderParsing As FieldInfo = aSettingsType.GetField("useUnsafeHeaderParsing", BindingFlags.NonPublic Or BindingFlags.Instance) aUseUnsafeHeaderParsing.SetValue(anInstance, True) End Sub End Class
Imports <xmlns="urn:microsoft-catalog:XML_Metabase_V64_0"> Imports System.Threading.Tasks Public Class Iis6Primer Private _Xml As XDocument Dim _Qry As New List(Of Typing.MetaBase) Public Sub New() Dim _MetaBasePath As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System) & "inetsrv" _MetaBasePath += "metabase.xml" _Xml = XDocument.Load(_MetaBasePath, LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace) _Qry = (From n In _Xml...<IIsWebServer> Where (n.@ServerBindings IsNot Nothing) Select New Typing.MetaBase() With { .Binding = Common.IsNull(Of String)(n.@ServerBindings, String.Empty) }).ToList() End Sub Public Sub PrimeThem() Dim _Binding, _Url, _T Parallel.ForEach(_Qry, Sub(Item) _Binding = Item.Binding If _Binding.Contains(" ") Then _Binding = _Binding.Replace(" ", "|") _T = _Binding.Split("|") For Each i In _T _Url = i.Split(":") If _Url(1).Contains("80") Then Primer.GrabEm("http://" & _Url(_Url.GetUpperBound(0))) End If Next Else _Url = _Binding.Split(":") If _Url(1).Contains("80") Then Primer.GrabEm("http://" & _Url(_Url.GetUpperBound(0))) End If End If End Sub) _Qry.Clear() End Sub End Class
Imports System.Threading.Tasks Public Class Iis7Primer Private _Xml As XDocument Dim _Qry As New List(Of Typing.MetaBase) Public Sub New() Dim _MetaBasePath As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System) & "inetsrv" _MetaBasePath += "configapplicationHost.config" _Xml = XDocument.Load(_MetaBasePath, LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace) _Qry = (From n In _Xml...<binding>.AsParallel() Select New Typing.MetaBase() With { .Binding = Common.IsNull(Of String)(n.@bindingInformation, String.Empty), .Protocol = Common.IsNull(Of String)(n.@protocol, String.Empty) }).ToList() End Sub Public Sub PrimeThem() Dim _Prot, _Binding, _Url Parallel.ForEach(_Qry, Sub(i) _Prot = i.Protocol If _Prot = "http" Then _Binding = i.Binding _Url = _Binding.Split(":") Primer.GrabEm("http://" & _Url(_Url.GetUpperBound(0))) End If End Sub) _Qry.Clear() End Sub End Class