XBOX GT: DomsDadd75

LOCATIONS: Just North of Flatwoods, or Just South of Mama Dolce’s
Always on Sale: 1c Ammo, 200c Serums, Most Plans for 10% value, Chems for 10% value, 250c Prime Plans, 250c per * Most Script
Weaps: Juggs FFR FR(or +1 Ag) 50cal, Bloodied 2525 SMG (The tommy gun one)
Armor: Troubleshooters, Mutants, or Vanguard AP HTD Scout or Combat
Power Armor: Troubleshooters or Vanguard Sent AP Ultracite
Junk: Acid, B.Titanium, Coal, Concrete, Circuits, Ceramic, Cloth, Fertilizer, Fiber Optics, Oil, Gold, Gears, , Springs, Stable Cobalt Flux
Please feel free to throw me an offer, the above is only things I can think of off the bat, and I may want/need/like something else not in that list. I have 3 characters: 1 Full Health Sneak Commando, 1 Full Health Heavy Gunner PA, and a Bloodied Sneak Commando
Armor / Plans / Outfits / Junk
- Armor
- Aristo Sen Str Heavy Combat LA
- Aristo Sen D. Resist Heavy Combat LA
- Bolster AP 2* Heavy Combat Set
- Chameleon AP Heavy Combat LA
- Bolster Sent Luck Heavy Leather RL
- Bolster Sent Chr Sturdy Raider RL
- Bolster Sent AG Heavy Marine LL
- Bolster AP Cav Urban Scout LL
- Cham AP WWR Urban Scout Chest
- Cham AP JWR Urban Scount RA
- Noct AP Sent Urban Scout Chest
- Uny HTD 25Cryo Res Forest Scout LA
- Uny AP 5% Fire Dmg Heavy Raider Chest
- Van Sent End Heavy Meta RL
- Van HTD Poison Res Sturdy Raider RL
- Van HTD Radiation Res Urban Scout LL
- Weightless Sent AP Robot Right Arm
- Weightless AP JWR Combat LL
- Plans / Recipes
- Marsupial
- The Fixer
- DCG Extra Claw
- Ultracite Welded Rebar
- Ultracite Kinectic Servos
- Excavator Emergency Protocols
- Outfits
- Asylum Worker Hat Red
- Clean Spacesuit Helmet
- Fasnacht Deathclaw Mask
- Fasnacht Winter Man Mask
- Junk
- Aluminum - 290k
- Ballistic Fiber - 3.5k
- Bone - 2.5k
- Copper - 288k
- Crystal - 290k
- Adhesive - 286k
- Fiberglass - 3.5k
- Lead - 319k
- Screws - 2.5k
- Nuclear Waste - 260k
- Leather - 10k
- Crimson Flux - 4k
- Fluorescent Flux - 4k
- Violet Flux - 11k
- Yellowcake Flux - 3.5k
- Steel - 200k
- Ultracite - 15k
- Acid - 4k